The ancient Romans worshiped Janus as the god of endings and of beginnings. In religious art and sculpture, Janus was depicted with two faces, one looking to the past and the other looking to the future. Since we’re nearing January — the month that was...
Some letters to Santa ask for a puppy, a pony or the latest electronic gizmo. Others, with requests for peace on earth or food for the hungry, reflect the letter writers’ altruism. Still others contain heartbreaking appeals for things Santa cannot pack on his...
The Saratoga Race Course is already out of the gate with plans to celebrate its 150th business anniversary in 2013. Starting in May 2013 and continuing through September 2013, the Saratoga Race Course business anniversary celebration christened Saratoga150 features: A...
This year marks the 15th business anniversary of Bartel Communications, Inc., (, the award-winning firm that transforms business anniversary merry making into business anniversary money making. In honor of this milestone, I present Part 5 of 15...
One way to celebrate a business anniversary is to hold a contest. Doing just that is Braathe Enterprises, a consulting firm that provides project management in business, marketing and human resources ( In honor of its 7th business...