Selznick Consumed by Work and Worry

The summer of 1939 consumed David O. Selznick with work and worry. The producer, his film editor Hal Kern and associate film editor James Newcom spent July and August screening the existing film footage, selecting takes of scenes and assembling a rough cut of the film...

Gable’s Wardrobe Woes

Clark Gable had finally had it with the Gone With the Wind wardrobe made for him by the Selznick International costume department. The shirt collars choked him, and the suits and cravats were ill fitting. He complained to producer Selznick, who, in turn, spoke to...

Clark Gable: Before He Was Rhett

Clark Gable was born on February 1, 1901 in Cadiz, Ohio, to William H. Gable, a wildcatter in the oil-drilling business, and Adeline (Addie) Hershelman Gable, a farmer’s daughter. Sadly, Addie died nine months and thirteen days after her son’s birth. In April 1903,...
Pauline Bartel Welcomes Publication of New Gone With the Wind Book

Pauline Bartel Welcomes Publication of New Gone With the Wind Book

Pauline Bartel’s ninth book, Gone With the Wind: 1939 Day by Day, was published in July 2022 by Lyons Press. The book chronicles the production, premieres, and reception of the iconic film from January 1, 1939 to December 31, 1939. Engaging, daily, behind-the-scenes...