Oreo Cookie Celebrates 100th Anniversary

The Oreo made its debut on March 6, 1912 when the National Biscuit Company (a/k/a Nabisco) sold the now-iconic cookie to grocer S. C. Thuesen of Hoboken, NJ. Back then, Oreo cookies were sold in bulk, packaged in tins and priced at 30-cents a pound. Today, Oreo is the...

Ad Council Marks 70th Business Anniversary

Founded on February 18, 1942, The War Advertising Council took seriously its job of rallying the American public’s support of World War II. Public service advertisements (PSAs) cautioned the home front that “Loose Lips Sink Ships” and bolstered the morale of women...

Big Mistake #2 Companies Make With a Business Anniversary

Throwing a party is one way to celebrate a business anniversary. But if it’s a feel-good, aren’t-we-great, let’s-pat-ourselves-on-the-back kind of party, the company is guilty of Big Mistake #2 when it comes to planning and executing a business...