On Saturday, May 6, 1939, Sam Wood directed Vivien Leigh in “Scarlett’s Return to Tara.” Realizing that her mother is dead, Scarlett screams her shock and grief and collapses at Ellen O’Hara’s bier. A parallel to this heartbreaking scene...
On February 14, 1939, when technical adviser Susan Myrick arrived on Gone With the Wind’s set, she took one look at the gloomy faces of crew members, watched them whispering in small groups and realized that something was going on. She asked assistant director Eric G....
A book to celebrate GWTW’s 75th Anniversary!June 30, 2016 marks the 80th anniversary of the publication of Gone with the Wind. What many fans of Margaret Mitchell’s novel don’t realize is that editions of the book bearing a June 1936 publication date are not...
For the holiday season, I’m offering autographed bookplates for readers of The Complete GONE WITH THE WIND Trivia Book (2nd edition). The 4” x 3” cream-color bookplate has a border that reminds me of the Art Deco design style popular during the 1930s, when Margaret...
I first saw Gone With the Wind in 1968, when my mother insisted that I must see this film. I knew nothing about the plot or the players and felt that spending nearly four hours in a theater was a colossal waste of time. As the title swept across the screen, I sat...