Clark Gable’s Gone With the Wind Wardrobe Didn’t Suit Him

Clark Gable had finally had it with the Gone With the Wind wardrobe made for him by the Selznick International costume department. The shirt collars choked him, and the suits and cravats were ill fitting. He complained to producer David O. Selznick, who — on...

What Did You Do On Your Day Off, Clark?

In early March 1939, Ria Gable’s divorce came through. Clark Gable was now free to marry Carole Lombard. On the day the news of the divorce broke, Hearst newspaper columnist Louella Parsons asked Lombard about the pair’s wedding plans. Lombard told her,...

Shooting a Smorgasbord of Gone With the Wind Scenes

On March 11, 1939, action on Gone With the Wind’s set centered around scenes and sequences at the Twelve Oaks Barbecue: “Melanie and Ashley’s Love Scene” In this tender scene, Ashley tells Melanie that she seems to belong at Twelve Oaks and...

Gone With the Wind’s 75th Anniversary: Death Strikes the Cast!

On February 25, 1939, Robert Gleckler, the actor playing Tara’s overseer Jonas Wilkerson, died of uremic poisoning at the age of 52. His death stunned Gone With the Wind’s cast and crew. The previous month, George Cukor had directed Gleckler in the...