On Tuesday, June 20, 1939, Victor Fleming directed Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable in the scene in Aunt Pittypat’s house when Rhett visits after Frank Kennedy’s funeral. Watch for this Gone With the Wind goof: After leading Rhett into the parlor, Scarlett tearfully...
Wednesday, June 14, 1939 proved to be another long work day for Vivien Leigh, as Gone With the Wind’s filming continued: She was on the set at 8 a.m. for director Victor Fleming’s retake of the “Scarlett Curses Melanie and Her Baby” scene. After Dr. Meade tells her...
On Monday, June 12, 1939, Gone With the Wind’s action was on the terrace of Scarlett and Rhett’s Atlanta home in the sequence leading up to “Bonnie’s Last Ride.” In the terrace scene, Scarlett and Rhett argue about the state of their marriage. Rhett wants her to give...
On Saturday, June 10, 1939, Victor Fleming directed his Gone With the Wind cast in two key scenes: In “Rhett’s Return from London,” Scarlett greets her husband and daughter upon their return from England. After admitting that she is pregnant and arguing with Rhett...
I’m pleased and proud to announce the debut of the second edition of The Complete GONE WITH THE WIND Trivia Book on June 9, 2014. Here’s what you’ll find in this fully revised edition, according to the back-cover copy: “From Margaret...