On Tuesday, June 20, 1939, Victor Fleming directed Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable in the scene in Aunt Pittypat’s house when Rhett visits after Frank Kennedy’s funeral.
Watch for this Gone With the Wind goof: After leading Rhett into the parlor, Scarlett tearfully admits she’s afraid of going to hell and then weeps into her handkerchief. Yet, when Rhett asks what she has done to deserve such a fate, she has no handkerchief. She wipes her nose with her hands until Rhett gives his handkerchief to her.
Further into the scene, Rhett catches Scarlett “between husbands” and proposes marriage. He convinces her to say “yes” with a passionate kiss.
Leigh and Gable enacted this kiss at least 12 times before Fleming was satisfied that he had the proper amount of passion on film to satisfy the censors.
Happy 75th Anniversary, Gone With the Wind!
Blog Bio: Pauline Bartel is the author of The Complete GONE WITH THE WIND Trivia Book (2nd edition) and an expert on the film and its history. Visit the website (www.paulinebartel.com/resources/books/books-available) for further information. Follow her on Twitter @PaulineBartel and “like” her on Facebook (www.facebook.com/TheCompleteGWTWTriviaBook).