Today, in writing out my Thanksgiving grocery list, I remembered to include all the ingredients for the traditional roast turkey dinner I’ll serve when my guests gather to count our blessings.

A month ago, in writing out my Thanksgiving card list, I remembered to include all the clients I serve throughout the year as a public relations, marketing and business anniversary consultant. Without those wonderful clients, my firm would be out of business. That’s true for any company.

The Thanksgiving cards I sent to my clients included handwritten notes, expressing appreciation for having worked with them this year, thanking them for their business and wishing them an abundance of success in the year ahead. The cards arrived today, and I’ve received lovely e-mails from clients, thanking me for thinking of them. One CEO even mentioned having put my card in a place of honor where all employees can read the greeting.

Have you thanked your clients or customers today? You still have time to send a personal e-mail to each in advance of our national day of giving thanks.

Think of all the blessings you enjoy because of the companies you are privileged to serve and then use every touch point during the year as an opportunity to say “Thank You!” Your clients or customers will feel appreciated; your value in their eyes will increase; and they will be grateful for you all year long because you make every day Thanksgiving Day.

Blogger  Bio: Pauline Bartel, M.A., is President and Chief Creative Officer of
Bartel Communications, Inc., an award-winning corporate communications firm,
specializing in marketing, public relations and business anniversary consulting
services. The firm  created “The Bartel Years™” and “The Bartel Years 200™,” rosters of business  anniversary symbols to inspire two centuries of business anniversary
“sell”-abrations. Download free copies of “The Bartel Years™” and the special
report “The Top 10 Business Anniversary Ideas for SELL-abrating Your Business
Anniversary” at this link: