When a company or organization has been in business for two or more decades, the time may be right for sprucing up the old corporate image. A business anniversary provides a perfect opportunity for such a brand-image makeover. That was the thinking of the Consulting Alliance, a non-profit association of leading independent consultants.
The Consulting Alliance unveiled a new logo and a refreshed brand image for the organization (www.ConsultingAlliance.org). The re-branding is part of the organization’s yearlong 20th business anniversary celebration.
“The original branding served us well for many years,” says Consulting Alliance President Nancy Schultz of Nancy Schultz Consulting, Inc. (www.NancySchultzConsulting.com). “Our 20th anniversary provided the impetus for a new image that reflects the contemporary, professional face of the organization today.”
The re-branding initiative was led by the Consulting Alliance’s Marketing Committee, including chair Bonnie Edelstein of PeopleWork (www.PeopleWork.com) and member Robin Weintraub of Robin Weintraub, Inc. (www.RobinWeintraub.com). The graphic designer hired to create the new logo, typeface and color palette was Susan M. Lapointe, who is principal/creative director of TurningLeaf Design (www.turningleafonline.com).
Congratulations to the Consulting Alliance on its 20th business anniversary and on its new brand image! I love it!
What do you think of the new logo, typeface and color palette? Check out the re-branding at www.ConsultingAlliance.org and share your impressions.
Blogger Bio: Pauline Bartel, M.A., is President and Chief Creative Officer of
Bartel Communications, Inc., an award-winning corporate communications firm,
specializing in marketing, public relations and business anniversary consulting
services. The firm created “The Bartel Years™” and “The Bartel Years 200™,” rosters of business anniversary symbols to inspire two centuries of business anniversary
“sell”-abrations. Download free copies of “The Bartel Years™” and the special
report “The Top 10 Business Anniversary Ideas for SELL-abrating Your Business
Anniversary” at this link: http://www.paulinebartel.com/services/corporate-services/business-anniversary-consulting