Like the sails on a schooner caught in gale force winds, employees are stretched to the limit these days. Delegating business anniversary planning and execution to staff already grappling with ongoing responsibilities is Big Mistake #3. Committing this blunder could incite a mutiny or even sink your ship. The solution? Engage the services of a business anniversary consultant.

Experienced business anniversary consultants understand the process of planning and executing a business anniversary promotional campaign. We provide fresh, creative ideas — even ones you hadn’t thought of. We are also implementation experts, launching the tactics, managing the details and accomplishing the mission. Relying on a business anniversary consultant is the smart solution for a business anniversary. You set the course; the consultant takes the helm; and you enjoy smooth sailing.

Request a free copy of our information sheet, “Tips for Hiring a Business Anniversary Consultant,” by sending an email to

No matter which anniversary year your company will mark in 2012, be smart about harnessing its promotional power. Avoid the three big mistakes companies make, and you’ll transform your business anniversary into a successful “sell”-abration.

Blogger  Bio: Pauline Bartel, M.A., is President and Chief Creative Officer of
Bartel Communications, Inc., an award-winning corporate communications firm,
specializing in marketing, public relations and business anniversary consulting
services. The firm  created “The Bartel Years™” and “The Bartel Years 200™,” rosters of business  anniversary symbols to inspire two centuries of business anniversary
“sell”-abrations. Download free copies of “The Bartel Years™” and the special
report “The Top 10 Business Anniversary Ideas for SELL-abrating Your Business
Anniversary” at this link: