On Thursday, May 11, 1939, Sam Wood directed Vivien Leigh and Olivia de Havilland in the aftermath of “Scarlett Killing the Yankee Deserter.” This sequence included Scarlett and Melanie deciding what to do with the body, searching the cavalryman’s...
On Wednesday, May 10, 1939, Sam Wood directed Vivien Leigh and Paul Hurst in the scene of “Scarlett Killing the Yankee Deserter.” Scarlett spots the Yankee cavalryman trespassing at Tara and then dashes upstairs to retrieve the pistol Rhett had given her...
On Saturday, May 6, 1939, Sam Wood directed Vivien Leigh in “Scarlett’s Return to Tara.” Realizing that her mother is dead, Scarlett screams her shock and grief and collapses at Ellen O’Hara’s bier. A parallel to this heartbreaking scene...
In a May 2, 1939 letter to Howard Dietz, MGM Director of Advertising and Publicity, producer David O. Selznick shared his thoughts about ways to present in theaters “the longest picture ever made.” His ideas included “showings with two intermissions;...
To replace director Victor Fleming, producer David O. Selznick chose Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer director Sam Wood, who had just finished filming Goodbye, Mr. Chips. On Monday, May 1, 1939, Wood started his directorial duties with scenes of Scarlett and Ashley embracing at...